
What is Life - by Mak Kum Weng

This is a script many will live through, so… ​
Sharing some views about Life…. and beyond ?​

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Choices (and decisions, and how one deals with the outcome)​

As humans are innately imperfect, taking a risk is scary and change can be uncomfortable. Those factors will always be there. It becomes a matter of what we choose to focus on.​

In a way, these choices eventually shape us and make the very character of every individual​

Such is also the case with the happiness level one experienced. ​

Life is filled with challenges. It downright sucks sometimes. ​

Bad things happen to and around us. ​

Until the end of our days, there will be reasons to be unhappy. ​

So, if we are looking for something to be sad, mad or discouraged about, we will never, ever come up empty.​

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

1) Family​

Mak Kum Weng
Respect and working together to solve problems. This involves listening and thinking calmly, considering options, respecting your NOK's(next of kin) opinions, findings etc.. .. ​

Example : Once you establish your very own family unit, consideration of having you children…how many?​

2) Education ​

Mak Kum Weng
Education is the illumination of minds, making a person aware of a variety of Subjects and Principles that are constantly affecting our lives. We accomplish this in various ways including it not limited to self realization, Teaching by others, exploring by reading, travelling, self exposure to diversity while accumulating this awareness or knowledge to use in our daily lives and to enhance our journey brought life.​

One cannot make a proper choice without proper information and proper perspective. Seek those things your whole life long, not just at school. What makes something proper? I’d say a long view that includes many lifetimes of context rich perspective. This Long view is the sorter of fact and fiction. It’s a heck of a job, living…​

3) Career ​

Mak Kum Weng
Your choice matters here. It paves the way to economic security. An occupation's earning potential is a major consideration for most when deciding on a suitable career. Choosing the right profession means that you will be able to have economic security — a factor that plays a key role in our overall well-being.​

Mak Kum Weng

4) Relationships​

Mak Kum Weng
Six types of relationships:​
Family relationships, Friendships, Acquaintanceships, Romantic relationships
Work relationships, and Situational relationships (sometimes called "situationships")​
Here, it involves selecting one option and leaving others behind. Decision usually includes ​
choice of life partner​

Letting go of possibilities. Choice affects how a relationship evolves and if it will end. ​

Every day, we make decisions in a relationship—when to have dinner, how to handle ​
anger, whether to move to a new city. (re-location)​

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other's independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.​

Relationship dynamics will go up and down based on communication, compromise and commitment, the 3C's.​

3 Types of Relationships: Which One Do You Have?​

Lifelong Relationships. The first type of relationship is what we call lifelong relationships. ...​

Life Giving Relationships.

The second type of relationships are life giving relationships. ...​

Purpose Filled Relationships. ​

Then, we get to purpose filled relationships.​

Get rid of toxic people - The people who we spend the most time with have a direct influence on who we are, so make sure you're surrounded by positive people who care ​

Stop saying sorry - You are the one responsible for your life and your attitude. Making excuses and saying sorry isn't going to help change anything.​

Mak Kum Weng

5) Personal Values​

Mak Kum Weng
These are your central beliefs and the tenets that guide your actions. ​
These principles influence your behavior and personality traits and guide you through​
success and challenging times. These individual values inform your decision-making, ​
aspirations, and relationships with loved ones. ​

Always let your clear conscience be your guide.​

Quit saying yes all the time - Successful people know that they have to say no to tasks and​
activities which won't help them achieve their goals. ​

Know your control limits - You can only control your own life, don't try to control ​
other people's.​

Mak Kum Weng

6) Financial matters​

Mak Kum Weng
Starting as a teenager, one need to be taught and learn the value of money (my thought).​

Here, one start to attain financial security by seeking employment, Next learn to build that​
wealth nest during the mid life period. Learn the what it takes not to be indulged by greed​
by taking uneccessary risks.​

The five fundamental focus areas of personal finance are income, spending, savings, ​
investing, and protection. ​

Avoid debt - Debt is not a rite of passage when you're an adult.​

Learn how to manage your money effectively, avoiding worry and insecurity.​

7) Beliefs (religious and spiritually)​

Mak Kum Weng
Beliefs stem from our life experiences, spiritual learnings, and culture. Our beliefs influence our values. ​

Let go of the need to control everything - Understand that you can't control the world. Some things depend on us and others don't! ​

Don't be an asshole. Don't force your personal beliefs on people who have made it clear they don't believe in what you do. Live in harmony and focus on how to improve yourself, not other people.​

8) Self Development​

Mak Kum Weng
In general, self-development is the capacity and action to grow one's self-awareness, abilities, talents, and skills in order to improve one's quality of life. This personal development may be done at any time and in any place, with or without the help of others. ​

Know the power of speech - Knowing how to speak well is very important, it can help people change opinions on topics and inspire confidence (contextualizing confident)​

Let go of fixed points of view - Talent alone won't bring success. Learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge and challenging your views help you develop as an individual and adapt to the challenges that lie in your way.​

9)Self Harm awareness​

Mak Kum Weng
Here, it includes harming oneself as a result due to abuse of drugs, excessive online contents and games, alcohol and gambling addiction. (social mischief as well).​

Key choice here is self awareness of the problem and willingness to seek help from clinics and accepting the good advice of close and loved ones. ​

Ignoring the harm will results of depression of some form. One have to kill depression before it kills oneself.​

Other point includes how one manages Anger and avoid Hatred towards someone.​

If you feel hatred towards a person or group you don't understand, please try to lead with empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another) and show compassion (engaging in an act of kindness). These are antidotes to hate.​

Other points: ​
Addiction : Try to ween yourself off excessive TV and social media - Nowadays we waste so much time looking at screens, and it's time that we'll never get back. These virtual distractions take attention away affecting your mental health.​

Carelessness : In almost all cities, people glued their eyes at their handphones on the way travelling at those escalators, a number of them lost their balance or got trip, along the way hurting themselves and others. Same for handphone distractions while driving.​

10) Mindset​

Mak Kum Weng
Here, we should opt for choice of healthy mindsets, ​
emotional stability: feeling calm and able to manage emotions. ​
resilience: the ability to cope with the stresses of daily life. ​
optimism: feeling positive about your life and future. ​
self-esteem: feeling positive about yourself.​

And one should do without constant worrying, complaining about anything and everything, lack of confidence, gloom and anxiety can be soul-destroying. These are the traits common among negative people. ​

In life, as they say, there will be always good times and bad times too.​

11) Bucket list choices​

Mak Kum Weng
Usually this is a list of things to do during retirement…before the exodus from Life here. ​

Folks will usually come up with a list of places where wish to visit, who they wish to meet. What one may want to experience the extremes…example the crazy park rides at Blackpool !​

Some will even prepare their EOL event including burial options, so that they attain a level of solace prior to EOL. Prior to EOL may include pre-stating choice of Palliative care or Hospice care. Some folks will also establish the LPA and asset mgmt list.​

Most important…prepare a pre-written personal message to each loved ones. ​
(as a standby, we ‘ll never know)​

Some individuals may opt to live an alternative live, disappearing from current Life and emerge with a total new identity elsewhere to live out the rest of his/her days. ​
(Beating the odd (!)

12) Some motivational messages to digest and consider​

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

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Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng

Mak Kum Weng